Period 7 (1898-1945) p 653-666


Key Concept 7.3 part 1  In the late 19th and early 20th century, new U.S. territorial ambitions and acquisitions in the Western Hemisphere and the Pacific accompanied heightened public debates over America’s role in the world.

  1. Define Imperialism. What were the reasons Americas foreign policy changed at the turn of the 20th century?
  2. What is American exceptionalism? What were the arguments in favor of this theory?
  3. How did Alfred Mahan and Richard Olney contribute to Americas new imperialist policy?
  4. Explain at least 3 causes of the Spanish-American War aka” The Splendid Little War”
  5. How was Teddy Roosevelt involved in both the Philippines and Cuba?
  6. Describe the events of the Spanish American War and its results including territory gained from Spain
  7. What was the conflict over the Philippines and what was the result?

Prove this statement to be true or false The U.S. Age of Imperialism that began in 1898 was just a continuation of earlier U.S. imperialism in North America

  •  Prove this statement to be true : The US involvement in and acquisition of territories in the Pacific led to public debates over America’s role in the world.
  • Describe the difference in how American policy in Cuba and the Philippines differed.
  • Use the map 21.3 (p663) and the text to explain the Open Door Policy and the Boxer Rebellion
  • How did T Roo support Japanese imperialism?
  • How was T Roo able to get the Panama Canal built after initially being denied permission to build?
  • According to map 21.4 which ideology of T Roo does this represent? What was the result?-p666
  • Cuba’s independence came with strings attached-bullet point the Platt Amendment p665



Period 6 Test Study Guide

Use your review book -including the one I posted 11/14 and the period 6 framework Key concepts and the timeline.  Review for test will be Friday Feb 1 from 2:50-3:30

You may be asked to answer a stimulus based question or complete a short written response based on the following Period 6 topics:

  1. The Dawes Act 1887  and Indian conflict and assimilation
  2. Populists-agenda and outcome
  3. The impact of transcontinental railroads
  4. Government subsidies for western expansion
  5. Jane Addams/Florence Kelly
  6. settlement houses/Hull House
  7. women and African Americans coming out of their “place”
  8. Conservation of natural resources
  9. Eugene Debs/socialism
  10. Knights of Labor/AFL-labor strikes
  11. European immigration to U.S.
  12. muckrakers
  13. Progressive presidents reform
  14. reform issues and their attempted solutions

WCTU goal,its opposition and other womens attempted reforms ,Problems of farmers and the attempted solutions, Government , cultural, and/or intellectual movement related to labor/management conflicts, Wealth of corporations vs. working conditions of labor

Tried to attach youtube period 6 but failed You are smart teenagers you know how to search the internet. Youtube APUSH Period 6 review and have fun Do not get distracted by other shiny objects Now get to work studying and you will kill this test


Chapter 20 p636- to end of chapter (end of Period 6 1865-1898)





  1. Did McKinleys victory in 1896 benefit farmers/laborers or corporations? Explain.
  2. Make a bulleted list of reforms that gave Teddy Roosevelt his reputation as a conservationist and a “trustbuster” What was his domestic agenda called?
  3. What is the message of the 2 political cartoons on p638 and 639?
  4. What was the NCL? Make a bulleted list of reforms attempted by the NCL
  5. Give a brief description of each of these Civil Rights people/events: Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois, Niagara Movement,NAACP
  6. Explain the political reforms of recall and referendum
  7. How did Taft fall out of favor with the Republican Party and how did this allow TR to influence the 1912 election? What was the name of his third party?
  8. Describe the ideology of Eugene B. Debs
  9. What were some major reforms of Woodrow Wilson and his ” New Freedom” program?
  10. In summary what were the positives and negatives of the Progressive Era? You can bullet point.


Period 6 Study Guide to Follow

Chapter 20 through p 636

Okay now you have a choice -you can continue the Cornell notes style or you can switch back to answering the questions provided -dont lose sight of the goal of learning this information as in the cause and effect of these events,being able to compare and contrast, noting continuity and/or changes over time, and analyzing information specific to the time period-the goal is not to do which one is shorter and easier unless those other goals are achieved.



Key Concept 6.3 The Gilded Age (1865-1896/1900?)  produced new,cultural intellectual movements, public reform efforts, and political debates over economic and social policies

First 3 Questions from picture and intro text 620-621

  1. What were the 4 main goals of the political reform movement 1865-1917?
  2. Reformers of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s were called _____________. This reform period was called the ______________ Era
  3. Describe Coxeys Army. What was the significance?-also on p 62
  4. How did patronage lead to the assassination of President Garfield? What reforms came from this event?
  5. Describe the Peoples Party aka The ____________ Party-how they were formed,their agenda, their candidate and their success in the 1892 election
  6. What were the causes and results of the economic depression of 1893?
  7. The candidates in the 1896 election were _______________,a Democrat and _____________, a Republican. The election was won by ____________ Describe each of their agendas
  8. What was seen as the advantages and disadvantages of free silver?
    1. Explain the political reforms of the direct primary and the 17th amendment.
    2. Describe the Supreme Court decision in Plessy vs Ferguson. What effect did that decision have on US history?

Bumper Sticker rubric


Bumper sticker rubric

In order to receive the highest grade for this project:

1 Research your topic to understand why this event was important the cause, the year or years, and both the short term and long term results of this event and the people involved in this issue
2 Write that information on the back of your sentence strip
3 On the front create a colorful and creative slogan/picture for your topic
4 Present your topic to the class on the due date
5 Turn in a list of topics presented at the end of the presentations

Good luck have fun             project due Wed Jan 31 and Thurs Feb 1

Chapter 19 p 603-to end of chapter

LEQ to be written in class Tuesday and Wednesday –Support,refute, or modify this statement: Policies of the U.S. government between 1865 and 1900 greatly impacted farmers, Indians, immigrants, and western settlers.

Use book to provide events/significance for each of these topics

  • sex and the city
  • Carnegie philanthropy
  • investigative journalism-Hearst and Pulitzer,yellow journalism
  • muckrakers-Ida Tarbell,Jacob Riis, document p606
  • urban(political machines)-Boss Tweed,Tammany Hall
  • goals,strengths and weakness of political machines
  • public health
  • The Jungle
  • settlement houses, Hull House, Jane Addams
  • cause and effect of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire



Chapter 19 p 591- 603

Key Concept 6.2 The migrations that accompanied industrialization transformed both urban and rural areas of the U.S. and caused dramatic social and cultural change.

Use cornell notes format to outline and summarize information chapter 19 page 591-603

  • transportation,communication, and building technology
  • the electric city
  • European immigration
  • cultural/ethnic neighborhoods
  • african- american urban opportunities
  • tenement housing
  • city culture
  • ragtime music and blues and its future cultural influence

Do not do the Bunny Hug or The Grizzly Bear! Your parents would disapprove


Chapter 18 p 578 to end of chapter- Quiz reminder

# Quiz based on the material covered in Period 6 so far next class

Complete the cornell style note taking with outline questions and summary as you complete chapter 18-these homeworks count as grades

These are chapter 18(entire chapter both parts)  “must -knows” going forward so make sure to include in cornell notes:

  • changing families and education What was the Comstock Act?
  • Booker T Washington
  • Environmentalism -preservation, national parks, the Lacey Act, John Muir, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society
  • Women in the public sphere-railway cars,department stores,maternalism, the WCTU, DAR and UDC,minority womens church clubs,feminism
  • Science and Faith- science vs. religion, Darwinism, Social Darwinism(William Sumner), eugenics
  • The Arts-romanticism vs. realism,naturalism,Mark Twain,modernism
  • The Social Gospel-Salvation Army,fundamentalism

This has nothing to do with APUSH but if you are interested in really good argument against Trumps immigration policy here it is-This is not anti Trump ,just stating facts that are relevant to the argument about deporting Dreamers


Chapter 18 p 559- 578

Use the Cornell Notes format introduced in class to complete the chapter 18 information through from page 559-578

  1. Create an outline of the information using roman numerals to label the larger general ideas,use numbers and letters to provide more specific details
  2. Use the areas in the margins to create at least 3 questions based on the information you provided
  3. Write a short (no longer than a paragraph) summary of the information you provided on the outline

Agenda for first week of 2018 APUSH

First apologies to period 8 I had midterms packed and ready to score over break and left them here instead So anyway your midterm grades will be in before class tomorrow

If anyone wants to send me their video to make sure it is playable that would be wise Sometimes video saved to a flashdrive wont play on my laptop connected to the projector You can send it to my email or post it to youtube and attach the link in an email to me or save it to your own stuff . We will watch the videos first day back to classes and the material listed in the rubric will be due the same day as the video presentation

Also there will be a quiz at the end of the week based on the homeworks given during the break-chapters 16 and 17